Monthly Archives: February 2016

Say Something

Yesterday George W. Bush spoke in South Carolina in an attempt to help rescue his brother Jeb’s fading presidential campaign. Inspired by the gesture, Bill Cosby reached out to Roman Polanski for some words of support.


Wiener Roast

Burger King announced it will start selling hot dogs in all of its restaurants. It was a decision of simple economics, as prior to this they would just throw away any meat that hit the floor.


Baby Come Back

The Los Angeles sheriff’s office accidentally released a prisoner who was awaiting a trial for murder. They have spent the morning trying to bring him back to jail, but so far he hasn’t returned any of their phone calls.


The Price of Freedom

The 2 remaining escaped inmates were captured after being spotted at a San Francisco Whole Foods Market. The fugitives blew their cover while arguing over how they could have gotten everything cheaper at Trader Joe’s.